If you have bought a vintage home you want to remodel, you might have discovered that the residence utilizes oil in a tank for heating the interior. Although the use of heating oil tanks in residential applications remained widespread for many decades, with the advent of natural gas and other more environmentally friendly systems, heating oil began to fall out of popularity. However, if you own a home with a residential oil tank on-site, you may discover three fundamental reasons tank removal becomes necessary. Continue reading
Category: Maintenance and Repairs
Ways in which Moisture can enter your home
Presented by ISI Building Products – building materials manufacturer
3 Reasons to Buy Fire Sprinkler Contractor Insurance
Every business needs insurance. However, as a fire sprinkler contractor, you need more than just general business liability to run your contracting firm. The unique nature of your industry makes it imperative that you have specialty coverage as part of your overall protection plan. If you’re thinking about buying this policy but don’t know why here are a few reasons to get on board.
1) Protection From Lawsuits.
Whether it’s the property owner, the building occupants, or an unhappy customer you have done business with in the past, being sued is one of the biggest risks that every contractor faces when they complete a job. Continue reading
Home Improvements With Tax Incentives
Infographic created by Xando Energy – a solar services company
Where Cash Flow And Supply Chain Meet: The Importance Of Purchasing
Infographic created by Corcentric, a b2b payment solutions company