The Growing Trend of Divorce Real Estate Specialists

Divorce statistics continue to rise with over 50% of marriages ending in divorce. The reasons differ from couple to couple but the one thing that remains a common challenge is the house left after the dissolution of the marriage. Real Estate is already a nightmare to handle when you have your wits about you, now imagine having to deal with that and all the other psychological issues that come with finalizing a divorce? This is why a Divorce Real Estate Specialist is the solution to all your real estate needs when you’re going through a divorce. So, you can worry about the emotional side of things while you let a professional handle the important details related to your estate. Continue reading

4 Things You Should Always Look at When Purchasing a Historic Property

Purchasing a historic property can be very exciting. it can also be fraught with hidden complications. Whether you are just starting your property search or you are narrowing down the selection, asking these questions can help you find the right one to make your home.

1. Are There Historic Easements in Place?

Historic easements are legally binding documents that restrict what can be done to a historic property. They are generally held by a preservation organization. The National Park Service offers information about the benefits to property owners and the public when such easements are put into place. If you are considering a property with an existing easement, you will want to talk to the group that holds it to determine if any changes you want to make are allowed. Continue reading

Getting Started in Real Estate Investing for Community Betterment

When you’re embarking on a path to entrepreneurship as a real estate investment professional, there are some qualities that are highly valued in this profession. Commercial real estate investing in a challenging profession, but the right type of person who is smart and nimble can become successful. 

Newcomers in the industry should know that it’s important it is to identify the leaders in his line of business so they can learn how to reach the pinnacle of success. They can learn very quickly how to best advance their career by studying those who have had much success.

It is essential to be an eager and attentive student of one’s industry or business. Being an optimist and using strategic planning to move ahead in buying real estate is a must for those who want to make it in real estate. Real estate investors must learn to make conscious and clear decisions to systematically advance in the right direction. Continue reading

The Advantage of Being A Landlord

If you want to become a successful landlord, there are certain things that you should do to own an investment property such as speaking to a real estate broker to help you secure a property that has an affordable monthly payment. This is important because it will help you know how much to charge for the monthly rent to be able to pay your mortgage and have something leftover. Passive income is a profitable and incredibly useful asset, giving you a few thousand of dollars extra every month in exchange for a minimal amount of work. This is an opportunity that few are offered. Therefore, you should take advantage of it once you are given that chance. Steven Taylor Taylor Equities has all the information to help you to become a landlord.

Good Investment

Having all your bets on a financial project is a big step, but it is a necessary reality if you want to expand your portfolio and further diversify your assets. Continue reading

The Veteran Home Loan Program

Many veterans don’t have knowledge of the details determining their extra benefits, particularly when considering the real estate for military members to buy. And, you will find many solutions for the personnel that have served in the military to apply their government given benefits that do not only fall under the home loan section.

To begin with, those who are part of this group of home buyers will quickly realize that one main benefit they are able to enjoy is to get a veteran home loan with little or even no money down.

Additionally, rates of interest for veterans property loans are generally more affordable than what the other people that have never served their country have the ability to secure. Veteran home loans are not afflicted by penalty fees when the borrower makes the decision to try prepaying the mortgage, a condition which is not available for the non combatants of the group. Continue reading