Why Energy Efficient Windows are a Perfect Choice

fgh576There are a couple of reasons that you may want the best energy efficient windows in your home, both old and new. The first and most obvious is to save you money. Seems like a nobrainer, but some people do not think of it. The other reason would be to help save the planets energy sources. Unless you are powering your home entirely by a renewable power source, you will be helping save the planet!

The type of window and the fit of the window are very important. You can have the best energy efficient windows in the world, but if the fit is bad they will leak and waste energy.

The windows serve several purposes. Decorate the room, let light in, offer a view of the outside, and of course let in fresh air. But if they are not the best energy efficient windows they can also increase your energy bill.

If you have old windows and want to make them more energy efficient, check around the outside edges to see if they are leaking air. This is best done with a feather or a candle on a windy day. Just move the candle or feather around the window to see if air is getting in. If it is you should seal around the window. Depending upon the gap you could use weather stripping or a caulk sealant.nb988

If you are getting new windows you can save a lot of money. Make sure that the rating is as high as you can afford. Windows energy efficiency is measure with a “U” value. The lower the number, the better energy efficient the window is.

Make sure that the installer seals tightly around the window. Some of the best energy efficient windows qualify for a tax rebate. Check locally to see if you qualify.

There are many types of windows available today. And of course most are enrgy efficient, some more than others. Make sure that you explore all options before selecting to insure that you get the best energy efficint windows that you can afford. It could mean a large difference in your savings later in your energy bill.

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